Saturday, February 9, 2013

DIY Day #1

Simon is in California this month, so I have officially done my first DIY project for...

Noah Arthur Fry.


I wanted something to go above the crib, for it to contain his name, and for it to also take up a large section of the wall, because I have decided to not wallpaper or paint. I'll save that for baby #2 I suppose, when we're living in a house we own (maybe). I went to Michael's, and I bought unfinished 16X16 (ish) frames, some acrylic paint, the letters for his name, and 4 pieces of different scrapbook paper that all coordinated but weren't the same. Here it is:

So, I paintd the frames a navy blue and the letters a light green. After it was dry, i just assembled it all together. I used super glue to hold the letters to the paper, and sticky squares to hold the paper to the cardboard backing. I didn't think it would hold, honestly, because the letters are so heavy. I was wrong, thank god. I didn't have a back up plan!
And here ya go!
I know that it looks uncentered, but there's another piece of furniture that will arrive next week hopefully to fill the space under the "N."
In addition, I got my nursery chair earlier this week. Target had packs of 3 cube shelf things on clearance for $10/each. They matched my crib, so I had to get 2. I also bought curtains. I'm well aware that they are girl curtains, but I'm making them more manly looking next weekend, and Noah won't even know the difference. ;) Here's the other corner of the room:
That's all I have for now. I'll post more after I get the rest of the furniture and assemble it.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Dog Shaming

This post has nothing to do with babies or pregnancy. This is a post about dog shaming, because my dogs deserve it.

This all started when I went into the spare bedroom today to get crayons (yep.), and I noticed cat poop on the spare bed. What did I do? I cleaned it up. What didn't I do? Take the poop to the outside trash can. I thought the kitchen one would suffice, considering I have to take it out later anyways. I was wrong.

I left to get some groceries, so I made sure that the puppies went to the bathroom, and I moved their water bowl up to the counter, so Herc wouldn't drink any and feel the need to pee on the cat litter box. Why didn't I leave them outside? Because I just cleaned my floors, and I didn't want them tracking mud through the house when I let them back in. It's legitimate. So then I came back from the store. Just enough trash had been removed from the trash can to access the layer of cat shit. Where was the cat shit? They ate it. All the rest of the trash was strewn about the living room floor. In addition, Herc still peed on the cat litter box.

Needless to say, the floors got reshampooed and mopped.