Thursday, July 25, 2013

Motherhood is...

Motherhood is not getting anything done, because you're way too busy watching your baby sleep.


Noah had his 2 month checkup yesterday. He was in the 86th percentile for height (24 inches) and the 99th percentile for weight (16 lbs!). He also got 6 vaccines yesterday too, and he did pretty well. He started getting incredibly fussy in the afternoon, and that lasted quite a while. He's feeling much better this morning, thankfully.

2 1/2 weeks of maternity leave left! I need to take him up to daycare, so we can fill out paperwork. Hopefully by the end of this week that will be completed.

Gotta pack up his 0-3 and some 3 month clothing soon. Some of it is getting incredibly tight! Thankfully there's still enough so I won't have to use the 6 month sizing as much. I know he's gigantic, but he still feels like a little baby to me. He's been having an 11 month long growth spurt. It's gotta slow down eventually, right?

At least he's healthy!

<3 Kristin

Friday, July 19, 2013


New Beginnings called me, and I'll be able to get Noah in on time to start work! This is great, but it made me sad.

Then today, after I had done some housework and resumed being Noah's mom, I had started to miss him, so I picked him up and hugged him and put him down and we smiled back and forth. Usually during the day, I'm always with him, so getting to see him is not a big deal.

So while I'm at work, I'll miss him a lot. After I get to see him, the time we spend together will be better. You know, quality over quantity.

Time to go play with baby now... :)

<3 Kristin

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


I registered my points at for all the diapers and wipes I had bought before I found out I don't use Huggies. I ended up with 113, and the first thing you can get with rewards points starts at like 150 or something. SO! Instead of letting them go to waste, I donated them, and every 16 points donated diapers a child in need every day. So that's like a week's worth of diapers for a baby. Totally worth it.

I feel this need to start saving babies. Like its my mission in life. The saddest part is I wouldn't even know where to start. There's so many different things to save babies from, and there's so many different organizations that do stuff like this. Nothing hits close to home yet, and I hope it never does.

I finally have my postpartum checkup tomorrow! Super excited to actually get the "ok" to start working out. Can't wait to focus on my abs!

We've been able to video chat with Simon a lot, so that's great. Especially now that he's smiling a LOT and making more noises that are eventually going to turn into coo's.

Two nights ago, he went 8 hours in between feedings, and last night he went 4 1/2 and then 5 hours in between! We both finally get to start sleeping "like a baby." Also, this saying is total BS.

6 weeks difference:

<3 Kristin

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Week 7

Babies need a lot of shit.

I had to buy a swing just for him to start giving me more of a break while he's awake during the day. If he's not being held, he's not happy. This makes mommy unhappy, because nothing gets done around the house.

Diapers and wipes really aren't as expensive as everyone makes them seem. I spent $50 on them yesterday, and the diapers should last about 2 weeks, and the wipes will probably last me about 5-6 weeks. Its about $80 a month. I use the Up&Up brand of both. The diapers are ok, and I like the wipes way more than Pampers or Huggies.

Tip: After you make a Target registry, they give you a 10% off coupon to finish getting the things on your registry. Conveniently, they let you keep adding to the registry even after your baby is born. So I added all the baby stuff I was going to buy that day, and got 10% off of all of it!

Exercise wise: I went to the gym four times this week. I shoot for five, but if I get four in, I'm happy. I'm weighing myself at the end of next week, and I hope to see 125!  The weekends are my off days, because the drop in care hours are way too early for us. I'm planning on making all my dinners for the week, so it'll be easy to store the right portions and such to keep my diet in check.

Here's a picture I took after his last bath:

That's all!
<3 Kristin

Friday, July 5, 2013


Noah is six weeks old now, so we all know what that means: I can start exercising.

Not so fast. I had to reschedule my postpartum appointment, and the next available date is July 17th. I had two options for the gym: Wait to get the ok, or just work out anyways. I knew if I waited, it was due to laziness, not a safety precaution. Since I feel perfectly fine, I decided to start. I'm avoiding direct ab exercises, though. Gold's has drop-in child care, so Noah has been hanging out there, and he hasn't cried yet, either!

So here's the stats: I was 162 when I gave birth. Four weeks later, I was back down to my pre-pregnancy weight: 130. Currently I'm 126. My goal is to lose 10 lbs of fat, and hopefully replace it with some muscle. I'm not attached to the number on the scale, but seeing 120 would be nice.

It was really easy to lose the weight I had gained. This is why: I am breastfeeding (which burns 500-800 calories/day apparently), and I do not get to eat as often as I used to (about 2 meals a day). This is a godsend, because I think I ate too much before. Because of this, I didn't scrutinize the nutrition in my meals like I should have. I'm much better about that now. However, I'm not getting the recommended amount of calories, so my weight is still coming off faster than usual. Hopefully it starts to balance a little.

I'm trying to not type too much, but here's my game plan:
Go on a walk with Noah every day for about a half hour
Go to the gym five days a week
Half an hour of cardio, or more if I'm doing a class
15-30 minutes of strength training (different parts different days)
Try to eat as much protein as possible (I can't even come close to what is recommended)
Try to not exceed 150 g/carbs per day
Try to go to yoga once a week

This is going to get a lot harder once I start working again! Eeek!
<3 Kristin