Tuesday, July 16, 2013


I registered my points at Huggies.com for all the diapers and wipes I had bought before I found out I don't use Huggies. I ended up with 113, and the first thing you can get with rewards points starts at like 150 or something. SO! Instead of letting them go to waste, I donated them, and every 16 points donated diapers a child in need every day. So that's like a week's worth of diapers for a baby. Totally worth it.

I feel this need to start saving babies. Like its my mission in life. The saddest part is I wouldn't even know where to start. There's so many different things to save babies from, and there's so many different organizations that do stuff like this. Nothing hits close to home yet, and I hope it never does.

I finally have my postpartum checkup tomorrow! Super excited to actually get the "ok" to start working out. Can't wait to focus on my abs!

We've been able to video chat with Simon a lot, so that's great. Especially now that he's smiling a LOT and making more noises that are eventually going to turn into coo's.

Two nights ago, he went 8 hours in between feedings, and last night he went 4 1/2 and then 5 hours in between! We both finally get to start sleeping "like a baby." Also, this saying is total BS.

6 weeks difference:

<3 Kristin

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