Saturday, July 13, 2013

Week 7

Babies need a lot of shit.

I had to buy a swing just for him to start giving me more of a break while he's awake during the day. If he's not being held, he's not happy. This makes mommy unhappy, because nothing gets done around the house.

Diapers and wipes really aren't as expensive as everyone makes them seem. I spent $50 on them yesterday, and the diapers should last about 2 weeks, and the wipes will probably last me about 5-6 weeks. Its about $80 a month. I use the Up&Up brand of both. The diapers are ok, and I like the wipes way more than Pampers or Huggies.

Tip: After you make a Target registry, they give you a 10% off coupon to finish getting the things on your registry. Conveniently, they let you keep adding to the registry even after your baby is born. So I added all the baby stuff I was going to buy that day, and got 10% off of all of it!

Exercise wise: I went to the gym four times this week. I shoot for five, but if I get four in, I'm happy. I'm weighing myself at the end of next week, and I hope to see 125!  The weekends are my off days, because the drop in care hours are way too early for us. I'm planning on making all my dinners for the week, so it'll be easy to store the right portions and such to keep my diet in check.

Here's a picture I took after his last bath:

That's all!
<3 Kristin

1 comment:

SpecialJNess said...