Friday, July 5, 2013


Noah is six weeks old now, so we all know what that means: I can start exercising.

Not so fast. I had to reschedule my postpartum appointment, and the next available date is July 17th. I had two options for the gym: Wait to get the ok, or just work out anyways. I knew if I waited, it was due to laziness, not a safety precaution. Since I feel perfectly fine, I decided to start. I'm avoiding direct ab exercises, though. Gold's has drop-in child care, so Noah has been hanging out there, and he hasn't cried yet, either!

So here's the stats: I was 162 when I gave birth. Four weeks later, I was back down to my pre-pregnancy weight: 130. Currently I'm 126. My goal is to lose 10 lbs of fat, and hopefully replace it with some muscle. I'm not attached to the number on the scale, but seeing 120 would be nice.

It was really easy to lose the weight I had gained. This is why: I am breastfeeding (which burns 500-800 calories/day apparently), and I do not get to eat as often as I used to (about 2 meals a day). This is a godsend, because I think I ate too much before. Because of this, I didn't scrutinize the nutrition in my meals like I should have. I'm much better about that now. However, I'm not getting the recommended amount of calories, so my weight is still coming off faster than usual. Hopefully it starts to balance a little.

I'm trying to not type too much, but here's my game plan:
Go on a walk with Noah every day for about a half hour
Go to the gym five days a week
Half an hour of cardio, or more if I'm doing a class
15-30 minutes of strength training (different parts different days)
Try to eat as much protein as possible (I can't even come close to what is recommended)
Try to not exceed 150 g/carbs per day
Try to go to yoga once a week

This is going to get a lot harder once I start working again! Eeek!
<3 Kristin

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