Friday, August 2, 2013

Daycare 2.0

Going back to work in 10 days. Boo. I finally got daycare squared away, and he'll be attending one on base. It is so much cheaper than out in town, and it seems like a very secure facility. I still hate to leave him with someone else. No one will love him like I do.

I've consistently made it to the gym at least 3 days a week for the last 5 weeks in a row. It isn't ideal, but I'm glad that I'm going. I lost a little more weight, and everything is slowly firming back up. I wish it would go quicker though!

Noah is so good at cooing and smiling. It is delightful. He's so much more fun, and he's learning more every day. I swear the time is going by too fast for me to be able to keep up.

I'm super excited for Simon to come home. I think its been long enough, but we still have a ways to go. So annoying.

I got my birth control put back in this week. My arm still hurts pretty bad when I move it, so I've had to avoid a lot of things at the gym. I'm ready to get my arms back and be able to work them out :)

There's so much love in my heart, for both Noah and Simon, that I think I might explode.

That's about it!
<3 Kristin

1 comment:

SpecialJNess said...

Yay for daycare and boo for work!

You know what, we should Skype sometime! I wanna see that little bugger in a bit more than a still photo! ;)